Everything You Need To Know About What Happens During IUI Treatment

May 2, 2024
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Intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination is a fertility treatment procedure in which semen is directly transferred into the uterus to facilitate fertilization. So, why IUI and who is an ideal candidate?

Fertility treatments help those couples who are facing difficulties in getting pregnant and intrauterine insemination treatment is one of them. In this treatment, the sperms are given an advantage as the semen is directly placed in the uterus, giving the sperms a head start.

This fertility treatment is recommended for those couples who are having trouble conceiving due to low sperm count, poor sperm motility, ejaculation problems or cervical conditions.

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How does Intrauterine Insemination work?

Before the insemination, the fertility specialist may prescribe medications that stimulate ovulation after which they carefully monitor you to know when the eggs are mature. The intrauterine insemination procedure is performed around the time of ovulation. The surge in the LH hormone indicates ovulation and the procedure is carried out 24-36 hours after the hormone surges.

The semen sample is collected and specially washed in the lab to separate out the sperms from the fluid. These sperms are then inserted directly into the uterus with the help of a catheter. It is less invasive when compared to the IVF procedure, causes minimal discomfort and is an outpatient procedure that only takes a couple of minutes.

Need help and are considering IUI? Consult a fertility specialty to discuss your option and understand how you can benefit from Intrauterine insemination.

How is artificial or intrauterine insemination beneficial?    

Infertility is a fairly common condition and is increasingly becoming a cause of concern. IUI treatment is one of the many solutions that tackle infertility issues and help couples conceive. The insemination procedure helps in increasing the chances of getting pregnant by maximizing the number of sperms that enter the uterus.

Although the sperm still has to fertilize with the egg on its own unlike the In-Vitro fertilization process, intrauterine insemination gives the sperms a head start and also increases the count of the sperms entering the uterus to meet the egg for fertilization.

Is IUI successful?

Several factors need to be taken into consideration to determine the success of a fertility procedure. The age of the female, usage of fertility drugs and the reason for infertility are some of the factors that influence its success. On average, the pregnancy rate among couples that underwent insemination combined with fertility drugs was between 8-17% per cycle.

So, those who underwent multiple cycles had a higher chance of conceiving and the chances for those who took fertility drugs was always higher. But, when compared to the IVF procedure, IUI success rates were lower.

Must Read: How the IVF procedure takes place step by step