Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test for Fallopian Tubes

May 2, 2024
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Infertility can be caused either due to male infertility or female infertility or a combination of both. As far as female infertility is concerned, it itself can be caused due to a variety of reasons ranging from genetic causes to ovulation disorders. One of the leading causes of female infertility is blockage or obstruction in the fallopian tube.

To Consult: The Best Fertility Specialist in Mumbai

Role of fallopian tubes:

Fallopian tubes are an important part of the female reproductive system as they connect the ovaries to the uterus. At the time of ovulation, the egg released through the ovary travels through the fallopian tube to reach the uterus.For a successful pregnancy to occur, the sperm must travel through the uterus to the fallopian tube and fertilize an egg in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg then travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus where it implants itself. Thus, fallopian tubes are extremely important as far as conception and pregnancy are concerned.


Blocking of fallopian tubes:

Obstruction or blockage of fallopian tubes is one of the leading causes of female infertility. Blockage of the fallopian tube does not allow the sperm to fertilize the egg or does not allow the fertilized egg to travel to the uterus for implantation, leading to infertility. There are various reasons which can lead to blockage of the fallopian tube like:

  • History of pelvic infection
  • Endometriosis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia
  • History of abdominal surgery
  • Other factors that may create a scar tissue
  • Fibroids

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test:

A hysterosalpingogram test or HSG test is one of the most commonly used tests to identify and diagnose blocked fallopian tubes. It is an outpatient procedure that takes just a few minutes and gives quite accurate results. Hence, the HSG test is widely preferred for the diagnosis of a blocked fallopian tube.



The HSG test uses X-rays for diagnosis. You will be asked to lie down under a fluoroscope, which is an X-ray imaging device. The doctor will then proceed to clean your cervix by keeping the vagina open using a speculum. The doctor will then proceed to fill your uterus with a fluid containing iodine using a thin tube known as a cannula. The doctor will then proceed to take images using the fluoroscope. The contrast created by iodine in the fluid will help to get a clear image of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. It will enable the doctor to diagnose any obstruction or blockage in the fallopian tube.


HSG is a relatively safe procedure but if you are allergic to iodine present in the dye, it may cause some reactions. It is important to let your doctor know beforehand if you have any allergies. Though mild cramping after the HSG test is quite common, if you have heavy vaginal bleeding, vomiting, smelly discharge, or extreme abdominal pain after the procedure, immediately contact your doctor. HSG test does not cause any complications in most cases and is a very effective diagnostic tool which also enables the doctor to make a better decision as far as treatment is concerned.

Cloudnine is renowned for providing world-class maternity services and unmatched quality of treatment when it comes to infertility or other associated conditions. The team of specialists at Cloudnine is highly qualified and well experienced in performing diagnosis and providing effective treatment for conditions like a blocked fallopian tube. We have state-of-the-art facilities which ensure that you get the best possible treatment and care with utmost comfort.