Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cloudnine help treat tubal pregnancy?

For a successful pregnancy, an embryo must travel through the fallopian tube, descend into the uterus and burrow into the uterine lining. In a tubal pregnancy, this journey is never completed, and the embryo implants while it is still in the fallopian tube. A tubal pregnancy presents significant dangers and seeking timely treatment becomes imperative in ensuring minimal complications. On Cloudnine, our team of specialists has years of experience in diagnosing and treating tubal pregnancies. The treatment of a tubal pregnancy may be done via medication or surgery. Your treatment plan will pivot on your medical condition and the exact status of your fallopian tube.

Do you offer a package for fertility?

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Fertility solutions on Cloudnine are tailor-made keeping your combined medical history and previously attempted treatments in mind.

What causes infertility in men?

Male infertility may be caused by low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that obstruct the motion of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, severe health problems, poor lifestyle choices and other factors can influence male infertility. If you suspect that you suffer from one or more of these, meet a fertility specialist on Cloudnine to gauge your fertility potential and to determine a way forward.

At what time of the month is a woman fertile?

The fertile window consists of the five days preceding ovulation, and the day of ovulation. Once your egg has emerged from your ovary and arrived in your fallopian tube, it has only between 12 and 24 hours to get fertilised. If there are no sperm waiting, the egg faces a natural demise.

Can I exercise during my fertility treatment on Cloudnine?

It's possible to travel while seeking a fertility treatment, provided you plan well. If your fertility treatment requires that you be present at the hospital during specific windows in the month, you can structure your travels to match with your treatment dates. Discuss your travel dates with your fertility specialist in advance so that your treatment plan can be tailored to your availability.

Is IVF painful?

There is a common misperception that the ovulation induction, egg retrieval and embryo transfer routines required for IVF entail a great deal of pain. In reality, none of these routines causes as much unease as is often speculated. Ovulation induction via injection is performed through modern pen devices that cause minimal pain. Likewise, egg retrieval is done under general anaesthesia, and it's likely that you will feel no discomfort at all during this time. Embryo transfer is a virtually painless routine, with discomfort during the insertion of the vaginal speculum likened to that of a pap smear.

What if my husband or I get sick during an IVF cycle?

If you or your partner are critically sick and unable to pursue an IVF cycle, let your fertility specialist know so that your medication and cycle can be altered or postponed accordingly. If you have been prescribed medication for your illness, inform both your general physician and your fertility specialist about the combined medications you are consuming.

Does Cloudnine offer surrogacy?

Yes! Cloudnine offers a superior surrogacy programme that is strictly governed by an upstanding, ethical protocol. All our surrogates are medically screened and carefully selected based on a stringent series of fertility criteria. Members of our surrogacy pool are all young, fit and healthy.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Screening?

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is a technique that evaluates embryos of chromosomally normal genetic parents for structural or numerical chromosomal errors. Since chromosomal anomalies can impair embryo implantation and development, the routine allows for the identification and selection of the best embryos, in turn, reducing the likelihood of an unhealthy fetus and boosting the chances of a successful pregnancy. Unlike erstwhile detection tools that limited the scope of screening to only up to 5 chromosomes, PGS enables the examination of all 23.

What are my chances of having embryos with chromosomal abnormalities?

A chance error during fertilisation can lead to an incorrect chromosomal permutation, affecting the health of the pregnancy and the baby. This can happen in any pregnancy, but the risk certainly increases as the mother's age rises. PGS, therefore holds a universal application, being able to mitigate the chromosomal risks associated with a newly developing embryo. For parents who are known carriers of sex-linked diseases or genetic mutations, there is a greater risk of passing on disorders to offspring. In such cases, PGD can help rule out embryos that display an adverse genetic predisposition.

How much does IVF cost?

The approximate cost of a single IVF cycle ranges from Rs. 1.5 Lakhs to Rs. 3 Lakhs, depending on the protocols and additional procedures performed. IVF is a highly skilled procedure that requires sophisticated infrastructure and considerable medical expertise. It may be paired with complementary clinical techniques to augment your chances of conception.m pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven't heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.

How many days do I need to stay at the hospital for an IVF procedure?

You and your partner will need to spend about half a day at the hospital for the egg retrieval and fertilisation procedures. You will be invited in about two to three days later for an embryo transfer, or about five to six days later for a blastocyst transfer. Regardless of which of these two routines you are advised, you can expect to leave within a few hours after either.

What is Cloudnine's success rate?

Success rates are measured differently from hospital to hospital. For some hospitals, the success rate is a reflection of the number of implanted embryos, while for others, it is a reflection of the number of live births. On Cloudnine, our success rates mirror only live births achieved through fertility treatments. We have consistently set a precedent of success rates higher than the national average.

Can I travel during my fertility treatment on Cloudnine?

It's possible to travel while seeking a fertility treatment, provided you plan well. If your fertility treatment requires that you be present at the hospital during specific windows in the month, you can structure your travels to mesh with your treatment dates. Discuss your travel dates with your fertility specialist in advance so that your treatment plan can be tailored to your availability.

What is the difference between IVF and ICSI?

ICSI and IVF are similar procedures in that sperm and eggs are collected from both partners and fertilised artificially. The difference between them lies in how fertilisation is achieved. In a conventional IVF cycle, eggs and sperm are released into a dish, and fertilisation is facilitated in a natural way. However, the success of the procedure rests on the number of healthy sperm available in the dish. If sperm suitability is limited, IVF may not prove worthwhile. ICSI is a good alternative to IVF when sperm quality appears compromised. The procedure involves the injection of a single superior sperm cell into a mature egg by a seasoned embryologist. ICSI requires fewer sperm cells than IVF to be successful. However, fertilisation is governed by a host of cellular factors, and like other fertility solutions, ICSI is only a precursor to conception.

Can Cloudnine help with embryo and egg freezing?

Yes! Cloudnine provides embryo and egg cryopreservation options that can help you plan your family on your own terms. Cryopreserving embryos and eggs for the future presents several advantages, including greater savings, access and convenience. Historically, our frozen embryo transfers have yielded very high pregnancy and live birth rates.

What effect does age have on a woman's fertility?

Women are born with a finite set of eggs in their ovaries and age is the single largest influencer of fertility. As a woman ages, the eggs in her ovaries diminish in quality and count. While age also affects male fertility, the female fertility arc dips far sooner. That's why the odds of miscarriage and complications during pregnancy rise as a woman grows older. Female fertility starts declining gradually by the age of 32; this decline becomes more pronounced by 35. By 40, female fertility potential falls by half.

What are the main side effects of IVF treatment?

IVF may involve a few side effects such as mild cramping, mild bloating and breast tenderness. These symptoms, however, are expected even during the lead up to a natural pregnancy. Medication-induced side effects include headaches, mood swings, abdominal pain and hot flashes.

Does Cloudnine offer counselling?

Yes! Counsellors on Cloudnine use a range of psychotherapies, customising their methods to guests' backgrounds and goals.

Can PGS/PGD end my history of repeated miscarriages?

Studies show that couples who have experienced two or more episodes of pregnancy failure are likely to produce more embryos with chromosomal mutations. There is evidence to suggest that couples who opt for PGS/PGD have a lower chance of miscarriage and are more likely to deliver healthy babies. If you have suffered two or more miscarriages, it is advisable that you meet a doctor to also check for auxiliary triggers.

Is PGS/PGD right for me?

PGS and PGD are pointed at identifying chromosomally normal embryos that display the highest chances of a healthy pregnancy. Selected embryos are then ranked to arrive at a priority for implantation. Although it is well accepted that fetal aneuploidy is directly proportional to the age of the mother, the occurrence of chromosomally abnormal embryos is common even in young and healthy women. In particular, you should consider opting for PGS if you have faced a history of repeated miscarriages, failed IVF cycles or have children with genetic abnormalities.

What happens after a consultation on Cloudnine?

During your first consultation, your fertility specialist will review your medical history and draw you in for a discussion about your goals for your family. Then, you and your partner may be advised tests to evaluate your fertility potential. If your test results indicate compromised fertility, your specialist will recommend a fertility solution tailored to your needs.

Is there any surgery involved in IVF-ICSI?

IVF and ICSI do not involve surgery, although they are both invasive fertility solutions. This means that some procedures during your cycle may be performed under general anaesthesia.

Will a baby born via IVF suffer congenital disabilities?

The rate of congenital disabilities in IVF babies is consistent with that of babies born via natural conception. In fact, by pairing IVF with complementary technologies such as PGS and PGD, the risk of specific genetic conditions being acquired by the baby is greatly reduced.

When should you seek medical help for infertility?

If you're younger than 35 and haven't been able to get pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse, it's wise to see a fertility specialist to check for any problems. If you're 35 or older, it's worth visiting a fertility specialist after six months of trying to conceive.

What causes infertility in women?

The most common causes of female infertility include ovulation disorders, an abnormal uterus, fallopian tube damage and cervical problems. Age also plays a critical role in determining a woman's fertility potential, with fertility diminishing as a woman ages.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a tool that highlights anomalies in embryos whose parents have a known history of genetic abnormalities. PGD can uncover sex-linked disorders, single gene defects, and chromosomal disorders.

How long does an IVF cycle last?

The average length of a single IVF cycle is about four to six weeks. An IVF cycle typically involves the following steps: Step 1. The female partner is administered an ovulation induction protocol to maximise the number of mature eggs for that cycle. Step 2. Once these eggs are mature enough, they are retrieved. A sperm sample is obtained from the male partner, and the eggs are artificially fertilised. This process lasts about half a day. Step 3. Three to five days later, the resultant embryos are transferred to the uterus.

Should I opt for prenatal diagnosis after PGS/PGD?

For couples who successfully conceive after PGS/PGD, prenatal diagnosis is a recommended next step. Prenatal diagnosis can be performed either via chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis. Prenatal diagnosis can be a definitive way to gauge the final chromosomal composition of the baby.

Do you offer a package for fertility?

We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Fertility solutions on Cloudnine are tailor-made keeping your combined medical history and previously attempted treatments in mind.

When is PGS/PGD advised?

Preimplantation genetic testing tools present several advantages for hopeful parents, promoting only healthy embryos that are likely to succeed. Some likely scenarios are included below:

  • History of repeated miscarriage
  • 1 unsuccessful IVF cycle
  • Both partners carriers of chromosomal anomalies
  • Previous children with genetic abnormalities
  • Elimination of multiple pregnancy risk
  • Female partner older than 35 years

Does testing harm the embryos?

Research indicates that extracting one cell on Day 3 or several cells on Day 5 does not hamper development. An embryonic biopsy is a vital step in performing a PGS or PGD procedure.

What if I have no healthy embryos left after testing?

The number of healthy embryos suitable for transfer pivots on the original number of embryos tested and more crucially, how many of these developed adequately for transfer. While you may find that you have limited viable embryos left after testing, take heart in knowing that your risks are already significantly lower.

How can PGS/PGD at Cloudnine Fertility help?

At Cloudnine Fertility, our state-of-the-art technology ensures that our selection process is meticulous, accurate and success-oriented. Here's how PGS/PGD at Cloudnine Fertility can help you build your family:

  • Boost your chances of a healthy and successful pregnancy
  • Lower the risk of implantation failure or early miscarriage caused by fetal aneuploidy
  • Lower the risk of a baby with a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down's syndrome
  • Increase the odds of conception even with a single embryo transfer
  • Achieve pregnancy with minimal IVF cycles

How is PGS/PGD performed?

PGS and PGD are parallel procedures that follow similar steps.

  • Step 1. Cell Retrieval  
    The number of cells extracted hinges on the kind of screening procedure that has been advised to you. In the case of a Day 3 blastomere biopsy, a single cell from the developing embryo is removed, whereas in a Day 5 trophectoderm biopsy, several embryonic cells are extracted. PGS is a versatile procedure that can be undertaken for fresh and frozen embryo transfers.  
  • Step 2. Cell Evaluation  
    The cell specimen of each embryo is individually bar-coded to optimise security on the lead up to testing. Each specimen is then examined using Next Generation Sequencing Technology, to gauge the potential presence of an abnormal gene in the corresponding embryo.  
  • Step 3. Embryo Transfer  
    Following the selection of the best embryos from the cell evaluation routine, up to two embryos are transferred to the uterus for implantation.  
  • Step 4. Cryopreservation of Additional Embryos  
    There are often embryos left over after embryos are transferred to the uterus. On Cloudnine, we offer advanced cryopreservation facilities that allow you to freeze your surplus embryos for use in future in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. Cryopreserved embryos can be used for up to ten years.

When is IVF needed?

IVF is usually offered as a first-line fertility solution to couples with fallopian tube damage, premature ovarian failure, extensive endometriosis, impaired sperm production or unexplained infertility. It is also recommended to women who do not have a functional uterus. In such a case, a surrogate may be employed to carry a couple's embryo to term.

How long does PGS/PGD take?

At Cloudnine Fertility, molecular testing entails an intricate sequence of technologies, customised to present accurate results for each couple. Even as a precursor to IVF, there is considerable groundwork involved. Genetic testing is rooted in many considerations; the type of disease, the nature of mutations and whether both partners are carriers. A tailor-made PGD probe takes about four weeks to build. PGS, on the other hand, is a shorter process and takes anywhere between 24 hours and 15 days.

When do I need an egg donor?

An egg donation programme may be recommended to you if conventional fertility protocols like IVF display limited potential. Donor eggs are a good option if you have been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, a diminished ovarian reserve or an unfavourable genetic predisposition that runs the risk of being passed on. With donor eggs, you can carry and give birth to a child just the way you would with your own eggs.

How many embryos do you transfer during an IVF cycle?

On Cloudnine, we focus on giving you a happy and healthy pregnancy experience. To this end, we transfer a maximum of two blastocysts in a single IVF cycle.

Is infertility a woman's problem?

No, infertility is not always a woman's problem. The male partner plays an equal role in determining the fertility potential of a couple. Male infertility may be caused by tubal blockages, injuries, low sperm count, poor sperm motility or abnormal sperm morphology. If you've been struggling with conception, meet a fertility specialist on Cloudnine to find your path to pregnancy. Our facilities support highly advanced tests that are capable of evaluating sperm quality and fertility potential in remarkable detail.