Taking the Next Step: When to Consult a Fertility Specialist

May 2, 2024
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Tearing yourself out of your comfort zone and consulting a fertility specialist can seem like a big step. But it's one worth taking.

Having a baby is a personal decision; one that you and your partner should make together. But when months of trying lead nowhere, seeking help from a specialist can be the natural next step. A fertility specialist can give you the clinical assistance you need to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term, and getting fertility intervention early is a decision you'll thank yourself for in the long run.

To Consult: Best Fertility Specialist in Bangalore

When to Take the Next Step

So, the question is, when should you see a fertility specialist? Well, in several instances. Here are some.

1. If You've Been Trying to Conceive for Six Months Or More

A woman's fertility potential diminishes as she gets older, and declines sharply once she crosses 35. With fewer eggs in her ovaries - and with a large proportion of them genetically abnormal - her chances of producing a healthy baby reduce. If you've been trying to conceive for six months or more (and you're over 35), a visit to a fertility specialist is advisable. If you're under 35, the equivalent time window is one year.

2. If You've Had Two Or More Miscarriages

Recurrent pregnancy loss could be a result of persistent chromosomal abnormalities, uterine malformations, immunological issues or hormonal imbalances. Many of these issues can be overcome with fertility treatment.

3. If You've Had Prior Pelvic Surgery or Diseases

Pelvic surgery can give rise to the development of pelvic scar tissue, which in turn, can cause tubal blockages or ovarian problems. Likewise, sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea and chlamydia can damage the fallopian tubes, while ovarian surgery can compromise the structure of the ovaries and destroy the eggs inside.

4. If Your Partner Has Trouble Achieving an Erection or Ejaculating

Maintaining an erection and ejaculating are vital steps to conception. If your partner has been experiencing trouble in this department, a fertility specialist may advise medication or an assisted reproductive technology to address the problem at hand.

Must read - Can male infertility be treated?

5. If You Have an Autoimmune Condition

If you have hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or any other autoimmune disease, you may be at particular risk of fertility problems. It's a good idea to have a comprehensive work-up done to gauge your fertility potential.

6. If You're About to Start Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can destroy eggs inside the ovaries and sperm inside the testicles. If you're planning on having children but have received cancer or autoimmune disease diagnosis, it's wise to freeze your eggs or sperm before starting chemotherapy.

7. If You're Planning to Put Off Having Kids

Prioritising career, travel or relationship over kids? Consider storing your fertility in a time capsule. If you want kids but feel like you need more time, remember that fertility and age are inversely proportional. The older you get, the less fertile you become. Fertility sharply declines once a woman crosses 35. So, if you're in your late twenties or early thirties, haven't found your life partner yet or simply aren't ready to start a family, consider freezing your eggs or sperm to safeguard yourself against your ticking body clock.

Meeting a fertility specialist can be your gateway to starting a family. If you identify with any of the situations mentioned above, it's a good idea to seek fertility intervention, pronto. With a specialist by your side, you can knock infertility in the face and beat it to the finish line.